This is what January 1st (and a new year) means to a typical grad student:
A very special date on which you are less likely to be in school or work, prior to spring resumption and orientation week that precedes a stretch of busy days during which you must figure out what the semester will be like. By the end of January, you will probably know if you are ready for the year or not (litmus test..haha).
Meanwhile, the first days of 2021 for a TA and (or) RA will look more like this: setting up more zoom meeting links😑, cleaning desks, sanitizing, checking your supply of masks and maybe adding new stationery, cute post-its and frames for the fancy ones among us.
May I suggest ways a grad student should spend the new year?
1. Revisit your prayer list of the previous year (2020)
Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled. You who answer prayer, to you all people will come. Psalm 65:1-2 (NIV).
New year is a great time for retrospect. We could maximize this time to go over our prayer list of the past year (you should make one for 2021….it’s a great activity to do, and its therapeutic). When we revisit this list, it helps us to count the blessings of the past year(s), builds our faith and makes us expectant for the coming year. The year could become overwhelming that we lose sight of what God is doing and become drowned with daily struggles. Since we know the importance of getting to a conclusion by accepting or rejecting a hypothesis in our research, what about a conclusive end for the past year and a defined start for the new?
2. A watchword for a compass
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8 (NIV)
Ahoy! Sailors know how essential a compass is for their journey. A short, straightforward sail could quickly turn to a nightmare if an adequate navigator is missing. Why did I go that far?! You know how a 10-minute drive could easily turn to a 30-minute hassle without your google map? Let us be honest; 365 unknown days could be scary, but, the good news is a promise of help and guidance from the Creator of the times and days. How reassuring!!
A word from God would go a long way on the days when you wake up and realize the universe holds a grudge with you (haha…tell me about it😅). A word from God stands as a constant reminder of the mind of God towards you on those days when your bed covers seem to be the safest place.
3. Turn your resolutions to a prayer list
Photo by from Pexels
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13 (KJV).
New year. New me. To eat healthier. To exercise more. To sleep more. To get this paper(s) published. To finish grad school (haha.. I’m kidding….no, I’m not😉).
In my opinion, the most ardent goal getters could be found among graduate students. Sometimes, it may be out of compulsion (you know that it-is-what-it-is-card we play?) but I think for the most part, it’s a consistent habit that turns to a lifestyle. At the start of a new year, making resolutions seem to be a common practice but strangely, they are pretty hard to maintain…you may explain that mystery to me please? No matter how firm your resolve is, they fly out of the window by mid-year (for the most dedicated among us). A working hack is turning the resolutions or goals to prayers. That way, we confess our inadequacy and weakness, and exchange it for God’s strength by simply asking for help. This action catches God’s attention and He helps you achieve them.
Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5.
4. Let’s do this again!
Photo by Cristofer Jeschke on Unsplash
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9.
No matter what happened in the past year, the semesters kept going, deadlines were met and life continued. Perhaps, the conferences you looked forward to, the papers you worked on with everything you’ve got, those presentations you prepared for and the applications you submitted got cancelled, rejected or sidelined. I know how it feels and I understand. But, may we brace up to do those again with stronger tenacity and dedication this year. Truth is, you are getting better and well equipped with all the experiences and lessons. Let’s be better students of life who won’t give up regardless of the vicissitudes of life.
Let us give the devil a hard time this year with our undaunted spirits!
Special note: Would you give your life to Jesus Christ? He is the way, the truth and the life. If yes, please pray the prayers below:
Lord Jesus, thank you for your death and resurrection for the salvation of my soul. Please forgive all my sins. I choose you today to follow and to obey. May your love and the holy spirit lead and guide my purpose for your glory. Thank you, my Lord and savior. Amen!
Happy new year! Cheers to a purposeful year!!
Grace and blessings,