Hello there! What does it mean to pause? The word ‘pause’ seems to represent a temporary break to something in motion. If we are getting the word right, it seems to be anything static, nothing active. However, what is hard to accept is the act of a pause. It seems to be an irresponsible thing to do. Especially at the turn of events, taking a moment to stop isn’t the next thing to do. Pause may look sessile, but it is in fact an action. To pause is being active. Selah.
When we create time to actively pause, it makes one appreciate what life is all about, the beauty of opposites – an oxymoron. This year, I started reading through the bible with a group of women, http://whispersandfringes. Currently, we are reading through the book of Psalms (I’m running behind, we are now in proverbs😥). Psalms is very refreshing, and Selah caught my attention. I have been googling the word, searching for the meaning, the context of using the word, and just some scriptural notes I can find on it. The general definition is that Selah is a Hebrew word with no certain or established definition. However, Selah putatively means to pause. It is mentioned 74 times in the bible (What Does Selah Mean in the Bible and Why Is It Important? | FaithPot). Interestingly, it is associated with music, and it is a musical notation that instructs the singer to pause and reflect after the verse. I believe this is the point I am getting to – Keywords; instruction, pause, reflect.
What is the Lord instructing us to do at this time? Does it include a pause? Pause is not something I am inclined to do as it is common to many. But if that is what the Lord would have us do, what stops us? Dear reader, taking a pause is an integral part of life as a Christian. In a pause, we are actively dropping the rein. We are relaxing our hold, as we humbly ask God to take it up. As you navigate your life’s events, look for the moments that usher God in. In the stillness, in the pause, in the quietness, you’ll find your God. Do not be afraid to take a pause. So, like me, when next you are going through the book of Psalms and Habakkuk, and the word Selah comes up, let’s pause on those words. May we take a moment to process God’s truth to us, and how we could apply them in our hectic day-to-day living. May we transfer the action of that pause to the events of our lives. What is in the psalmist’s mind as he leaves room for Selah in his songs. Or poems. At the start of a new school year, keep in mind for next time, when it looks like you are doing nothing in your pause, you are essentially doing a lot! It’s an instruction indicating a time to meditate. Let it sink. Let it marinate. A time for reflection.
11 And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake:
12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
1 Kings 19:11-12
Have a productive school year! Find more blogs from BeDeborah here, BeD.E.B.O.R.A.H. – (bedeborah.com).
Special note: Would you give your life to Jesus Christ? He is the way, the truth and the life. If yes, please pray the prayers below:
Lord Jesus, thank you for your death and resurrection for the salvation of my soul. Please forgive all my sins. I choose you today to follow and to obey. May your love and the holy spirit lead and guide my purpose for your glory. Thank you, my Lord and savior. Amen!
Grace and blessings,