Tithing the new year

Tithing the new year
Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; Isaiah 1:19 (NKJV).

The crossover is always a time of anticipation. It seems, the feel builds up as the year winds up gradually. The bigger the number of days spent on the calendar, the higher the chances of an annual-switch mode getting activated. For the more festive ones among us, Thanksgiving is an indicator to usher in the coming sequential holidays until the year is over. In my home country, Nigeria, there is that kinda feel you get as the year ends. I grew up with the literal awareness of “end-of the-year”. It seems events and to-do lists were designed to suit the year end. Schools, churches, companies in their respective ways give an audit for the year, even households swing into the whole wrapping up mood. We need to wash the curtains for the year, clean the louvers (not my favorite thing to do), declutter or maybe next time and the list goes on. The celebrations come in big with the fancy clothes, food, seeing family and friends, dance, reunion, neighborhood food sharing, what’s not to love?

360 days….362 days….364….before you know it, the year is counting down to just days, and Happy new year!! The start of a new calendar.

Back to the crossover part, the significance of moving on from a year to a whole new ‘nother year is much more than it seems. Definitely more than the accompanying festivity or lights, it’s a shift that occurs in different facets.

Welcoming a new year is worth celebrating of course, but also should come with a sense of preparation and reverence. Since we already spent some days in the new year, you will agree with me that we have been breathing in the same kind of oxygen, taking the same route to school, wearing the same clothes except you changed your wardrobe (even still, you won’t give away that nice scarf or fluffy piece). For the dear grad student, I see you. Here is an interesting scenario, some may have had to babysit a culture in the lab or tend to something else. It should not be that bad you say, but if you are yet to establish a storage protocol for the dear culture to keep it alive or still trying to understand it, you may find yourself strolling into the lab or bent over the fume hood at hours right before crossing over (don’t ask me please😅). Others may have had to do some serious writing like completing a proposal, or thesis whether they would love to or not…there is a resumption day after January 1st something needs to be submitted😑. Nevertheless, the point is that the routine stays unchanged except you decide to do something about it. In a science lab, there are standard operating procedures (SOPs) or recipes for experiments. You have to carefully follow the instructions as written. If something is not right or a step is missed, you don’t get an expected result except for some exceptions (excuse the tongue twisters, thankfully you don’t have to read out).

What then is new about the year and routines you say my friend? (….and nope, not talking about the tax season, haha)

The best of the year is in the rest of the year and how you decide to go about it is all yours.

And. You will know as the Lord is directing you, that is never mine to say.

It is different strokes for different folks. I am learning that as the word of God goes forth, it ministers to each individual it comes across uniquely. That is the reason why the same scripture may have different perspectives to a congregation at the same time. Sometimes, the amazing thing is how you see a familiar scripture in a completely new light!!

Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. Psalm 19:2 (NKJV).

As the year passes by taking it a 24-hour day at a time, how we wisely spend it is important. It is like tithing which is about giving back a certain percentage from what has been given to us. Going back to the foundational truths…shall we consider this one blog post at a time as we trust God together for more insights.

Studying the word

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path Psalm 119:105 (NKJV).

With all that the world represents and its passing moments what stands forever true is the powerful word of God. It is a guiding principle, a standby guard to navigate our wheres, whens, hows and whats of life. My friend, you don’t want to do school (and life) with just your knowledge or what social media tells you this year or the next, it is a total disservice to yourself. We find comfort in what God says concerning us and our situations. The stretch of the year will surely come with its dark times, what’s best is to have a spiritual headlight that directs you away from the precarious ditches. When you drive at night and can’t see ahead, the rule says to look at the white line on your right. It works! Light will always be in popular demand and darkness cannot comprehend it. Let’s leave some time for our quiet time and like a priority mail, urgently handle daily devotions better this year, (I got fruit-scented highlighters to make notes y’all, anything to motivate me to do better, God help us). The hustle and bustle of the year may overtake despite our desires to do the needful, keep pushing on. Consistent practice becomes a habit.  


Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1 (NIV).

Prayer is a staple in the life of a child of God. It’s a means for the heavenly father to communicate with us as His children. Many a times, we quickly download all our petitions and whatnots as we race away thanking Him for the answers without waiting for a reply. Communication goes smoothly when there is a connecting line (feedback) between the sender and receiver (don’t get me started on the hassle of making a phone call with a bad cell service, patience is tried y’all😂). Spending time in prayers helps us learn the mind of God towards us and changes us in the process. Let’s devote more time to seek the face of God in all situations, good and bad times. An important note is to not give up. As the year progresses, there will be times when it feels like we have been placed on the back burner by God and brace up (you may cry too, if you have lots of active normal lacrimal glands like me😏) for it. The Lord is nearer much more than you know, intentionally putting things in place specifically for you, just hang in there! I saw a post that simply said “Keep talking, God is listening” and oh! What a great reminder that is. Sometimes, we say prayers that are beyond human logic, it may even make you feel stupid, or others call you a naive fellow. Not so my friend, we pray because we believe in the resurrecting power of a God who is mighty to save.

Long read, but I hope we put these to heart. Quick tip, we may keep the highlighted words in color and toss the rest, very simple. I hope we look at more in the next post and I pray you stay in good health and have blessed days ahead till next time.

Special note: Would you give your life to Jesus Christ? He is the way, the truth and the life. If yes, please pray the prayers below:

Lord Jesus, thank you for your death and resurrection for the salvation of my soul. Please forgive all my sins. I choose you today to follow and to obey. May your love and the holy spirit lead and guide my purpose for your glory. Thank you, my Lord and savior. Amen!

Grace and blessings,


Crossover by Travis Greene. The song was on repeat in my mind as I was writing, why not share? Enjoy!

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